Saturday, July 02, 2005

Wow...I am here

I arrived yesterday, after a quite horrific air travel experience. There was a tiny bit of bad weather over the midwest. They made us fly over the Rio Grande. Needless to say we were late, very late. Luckily they held the plane for Paris for our flight and one from San Francisco. YEAH!!! I was able to sleep on the plane, thank heavens.

Arriving in Paris was not a huge big deal. It wasn't like we were greeted with fanfare and the airport was just like LAX. I was hoping for a wild cab ride from the airport to our dorm. No such luck. There was LA-like traffic the whole way. Making it a boring and hot ride.

The dorm I am staying at is within a stones throw from the beautiful Luxemburg Gardens. And on a day like today I am wondering why I am sitting in an Internet cafe instead of relaxing there.

My time here will be packed with stuff to do everyday. I have a Survival French class everyday. And it starts, thank heavens, at 11:05 a.m. YEAH!!!! Time to sleep in!!! I have culture class every few days at 9:50 a.m. Still not bad.

My roommate here is very cool, but not completely trusting of my navigating skills yet. Geez, when will people learn! She seems to want to do a lot of stuff together. Which for someone like me is different. I like to be independent and alone most of the time and I enjoy getting lost in a city and finding the little corners with great stores and cafes. Hopefully I will have lots of time to do that.

There is so much to do in the month of July here in Paris. Including the Tour de France, which is coming to town in a few weeks. Yes, I will be here for what people hope will be Lance Armstrong's historic win. If it is not I will laugh. I am hoping to go see it. Even though it will be crowded and hot it still will be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

I guess all of this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. So hey, sieze the day and make sure the memories last. And no more "keep walking, keep walking" through the Louvre. Seriously dad, what were you thinking?

And for anyone who wishes to call me I am teathered to a cell phone, courtesy of my parents. The number is 001-33-62-41-38-103. But I don't expect you to call.

Have a great one!


At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marisa and All:

the phone number begins with "011"

Kevin Staker


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