Sunday, July 03, 2005

Stinky cheese sandwich

Note to self...LEARN HOW TO READ A MENU IN FRENCH. I went to a great cafe to day, next to the Luxemburg Gardens. It was so, Paris. I loved it. The menu, unfortunately was all in French. But I thought I could handle it. I ordered a basic sandwhich with, what I thought, was something good. Wrong idea. I ended up with a stinky cheese sandwhich. It was horrible. I couldn't eat it! Well 3 Euro down the drain. Oh well, I learned my lesson. I am going to make a crib sheet of what to order. You know, ham is --- in french. They have these yummy "baked potatos" here. They are almost better than American baked potatos.

Today we, my group, goes on a three hour walk. I am concerned about all the elderly, yes I said elderly, people in my group. A few are extremely overweight and can't make it up and down stairs very well, yet alone a three hour hike. We'll see how that goes.

Most of the people my age have been staying out and partying all night long. I don't know how they do it seeing we have classes in the early morning. It is pretty funny actually. I am sure I will have my party time, but I will save it until I am safely over jetlag and I have no early morning classes.

Other than the sandwich incident I am having a great time. -marisa


At 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Reese, I hear ya on understanding what is on the menu before you order, thank goodness I always had someone with me in Brazil to tell me what to try and what not to eat, like Kibe cru-which just means raw hamburger meat, yum! Good luck with the food though.
-Patsie :)

At 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, don't dispaire. Hopefully by the end of your trip you will be a little more fluent in French and order the right thing. By the way, thta is what dictionaries are for, to help read menus.



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