Getting ready to party
In the middle of the week the French celebrate Bastille Day. It is an ultra-clebration like no other here.The celebration starts the night before, July 13th. Around 11 p.m. all the Fire Stations in France hold a "Ball." And I happen to being staying within blocks of the most popular Fire Station in the city. It will make for quite an evening.
The next day there will be a military parade on the Champs Eleysee. Followed by a giant picnic in Luxemburg gardens, near where I live. That evening, once it gets dark, there will be fireworks at the Eiffel Tower. They told us not to go to the Eiffel Tower, but to one of the many bridges around the city. There is one only a few blocks from here. We believe the partying ends roughly early, by Parisian standards, becuase all the shops open at the normal times the next day. There is a rumor going around that even the Louvre will be open, for free, on Bastille Day. That might be intereseting.
Well I am off to do homework. I am studying here!
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